

By |2019-06-06T13:15:53+00:00June 6th, 2019|Articles, Events|

To all Laconians and Friends. You are cordially invited to attend our event honoring Olympic Hellenism: From Leonidas to Alexander and the Kalasha. The Revolution 1821 continues. It commands us to find a true solution in relation to Macedonia, and a true expression of the Worldwide Olympic Spirit, which is also in the Spartan Heroic

Spartans-Kalasha-Gilgit Baltistan Declare: Macedonia is Greek

By |2023-11-18T06:41:17+00:00April 20th, 2019|Articles, Events|

The Federation of United Laconic Societies has impressed with its Panhellenic and worldwide character at the annual Greek national parade for the revolution of liberation of 1821, on 5th avenue, Manhattan, New York on 14th of April 2019. The float of the Laconian (Spartan) Federation stood out with the glorious images of the famed Spartan

Honoring Event for Greek Hero Konstantinos Katsifas – Albanians harassing

By |2023-11-18T06:43:40+00:00December 11th, 2018|Articles, Events, Uncategorized|

A very successful, emotional and full of Greek National Pride and resolve event took place at the premises of the Federation of Associated Laconian Societies in Brooklyn, New York on Sunday afternoon of December 9 2018. The place was filled to capacity with many people standing. Elias Panagiotakakos was the master of ceremony. Laconians and


By |2019-09-09T13:11:01+00:00December 9th, 2018|Articles, Events, Uncategorized|

A synoptic presentation of the life and death of Konstantinos Katsifas. Konstantinos Katsifas, the son of Ioannis and Vasiliki Katsifa, was born in 1983 in the Greek Village Vouliarates of the Argirokastro Perfecture in Northern Epiros, modern day South Albania. His family immigrated to Athens Greece, when he was seven years old. He went to

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