HEROIC HELLENISM - WEB EVENT Laconian Federation President at the Kashmir (Gilgit-Baltistan of Pakistan) Event The Hellenic Struggle of WWII Greek Human Genetic Heritage by Grammaticus Macedon Demonstrations for the human rights in Kashmir Laconians with Kalasha and Gilgit Baltistan at the Pakistan Parade New Event: Greek Human Genetic Herritage King Leonidas and the 300 Event Greeks counter demonstrate anti-Greek Albanians at Greek Consulate in New York Olympic Hellenism Event OLYMPIC HELLENISM EVENT Spartans-Kalasha-Gilgit Baltistan Declare: Macedonia is Greek Honoring Event for Greek Hero Konstantinos Katsifas - Albanians harassing HONORING KONSTANTINOS KATSIFAS Picnic at Saint Basils Academy Northern Epirus Resolution This is SPARTA !!!!!


The Hellenic Struggle of WWII

November 1st, 2019|0 Comments

With Great success, the Federation of Associated Laconian Societies completed the celebration of the Hellenic Heroic Struggle of WWII and the betrayal of the Allies. The Struggle continues: The Hero Konstantinos Katsifas. Two wreaths were


The Hellenic Struggle of WWII

November 1st, 2019|0 Comments

With Great success, the Federation of Associated Laconian Societies completed the celebration of the Hellenic Heroic Struggle of WWII and the betrayal of the Allies. The Struggle continues: The Hero Konstantinos Katsifas. Two wreaths were