Feb, 2020
Gilgit-Baltistan is a region of North Pakistan, in the area better known as Kashmir on the Himalayan mountains. The community of people from that area, organized a cultural event. In the event, besides dancing and live music, there was a speech of the president of the community Mr. Nasim Gilgiti about the promotion of tourism
Nov, 2019
With Great success, the Federation of Associated Laconian Societies completed the celebration of the Hellenic Heroic Struggle of WWII and the betrayal of the Allies. The Struggle continues: The Hero Konstantinos Katsifas. Two wreaths were placed in front of an image of Hellene Heroes from the 1940s and the Hero Konstantinos Katsifas. One wreath was
Oct, 2019
The Laconian Federation Enlightening Series were initiated with a lecture made by scientist Grammaticus Macedon. The lecture tried to familiarize the audience with the very wide spectrum of Greek Human Genetic Heritage. Some of the topics Grammaticus tried to answer were: Human Evolution in Greece Discussing the Great Laconian-Spartan discovery! 210,000 year old modern skull
Oct, 2019
The Federation of Associated Societies participated at the UN demonstrations for the respect of the human rights of the people of Kashmir. Mr Mohammed Nashim Gilgiti, an activist and native of the the Kashmir areas expressed his indignation against the government of India, which according to him, mistreats the people of Kashmir, who reside at
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